Conscientization Program.
Today I had the conscientization program. Me together with my classmate Emily organized and conducted the program for the students of my class. Our topic was Plastic or Planet. Objective : To enable the students to understand the negative impacts of plastic to our life and how to reduce, recycle, dispose the plastic wastes. Poster We started the program at 7pm and I started the presentation through a story. After that I showed a video and gave voice over. It shows about the adverse effects of plastic wastes on earth and the other creatures mainly the ocean creatures in this world. In India, according to the statistics it showed that over 35lakhs tons of plastic waste dumping occured from 2019 to 2020. The video containted some shocking news about the effects of plastic waste to the environment. Next presentation was done by Emily about how we can manage the plastic waste. She gave a wonderful presentation about the types of plastics according to the numbers...