Like mending the rupture...

World Water Day.

World Water Day Theme 2021 :


 Today first class taken by Maya miss. She continued to teach about Culture. The topic covered today was Cultural diffusion, Enculturation, Aculturation and Cultural Inertia. 

Later English optional class students continued their presentation. All done well. 
Next class was taken by our principal Dr. Benedict sir. Sir today taught about the sub-skills Questioning and Explanation. Also Heterogeneous thinking -natural characteristics of any group of things was the first point sir gave. To convert a heterogeneous classroom into homogeneous is one of the professional task faced by teachers...

Then moved onto different question types. Developmental questions competency is based on the experience of teacher .Evaluation questions can by Summative(Assessment on spot),Formative(time based) or Prognostic(predictive) in nature .

Then moved onto Aptness which is depending on the age group. Then new two terms probing and redirection was taught. Probing meant the ability of Teachers to provide clues to the students in order to get the correct response.

Redirection meant shift from one student to another to get the correct response. The next sub skill that is sub skill of explanation was also completed in today's class.

After lunch it was optional period. It was consisted of seminar and assignment presentation.

The day went well... Waiting for Freshers' day🥰.


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